The World Needs  Blue Helmets Who Act:

The UN’s Role in Global Peacekeeping

As global conflicts escalate, the UN risks becoming a passive observer. Can it reclaim its role as a peace enforcer?

The World Needs Blue Helmets Who Act

A History of Successes & Setbacks

A History of Successes & Setbacks

Despite past successes in Cambodia and Liberia, the UN's failure in Rwanda and Bosnia raises questions about its effectiveness.

Inadequate Response to Emerging Conflicts

Inadequate Response to Emerging Conflicts

Over 100,000 UN peacekeepers, yet the organization has struggled to act decisively in Ukraine and Gaza.

A Missed Opportunity for Decisive Action

A Missed Opportunity for Decisive Action

Well-equipped UN forces are often underutilized, failing to prevent humanitarian crises.

Security Council Reforms: A Global Imperative

Security Council Reforms: A Global Imperative

Visual: A visualization of the UN Security Council with its permanent members (P5) and vetoes crossing out potential actions. 

A Vision for the Future

A Vision for the Future

Flexible troop deployment and a restructured veto system could enable the UN to act swiftly and decisively.

The world needs peacekeepers who act. It's time for the UN to fulfill its promise as the guardian of global stability.